• The Weekly Challenge

    The Weekly Challenge

    This week’s #The Weekly Challenge, set by social enterprise, 64 Million Artists gave me a chance to celebrate a woman I’ve admired for a very long time: renown Mexican artist Frida Kahlo.  The challenge inspired me to write about her from her autobiographical painting The Two Fridas in celebration of her resilience, openness and inner strength. You can find the challenge, her painting, and my poem below! Challenge: Celebrate a woman that you admire through the medium of collage! It could be someone you know or someone you don’t know, a family member, a public figure or a fictional character. Use any materials…

  • News


    Where have I been? In Autumn 2019 I went on maternity leave and post maternity leave/the arrival of my beautiful baby boy, I’ve been being a mum and getting back to work. I was still writing poetry – mainly as…

  • Photo of the Week

    Recent Photos of the week

    Looking for an inspiring photo of the week? Look no further! Visit Mantimoon and have a look at Lottie Angell’s latest nature photography, sometimes combined with poetry to aid quiet reflection.  Perhaps each photo of the week can be used…

  • Haiku of the Week

    Recent Haikus of the week

    Mantimoon’s Haiku of the Week offers time for self reflection, taking inspiration from everyday life to capture a thought, a fleeting moment or the flicker of a memory.  Inspired, rather simply, by my little boy kicking. It’s got to be…

  • Photo of the Week

    Recent Photos of the Week

    Looking for an inspiring photo of the week? Look no further! Visit Mantimoon and have a look at Lottie Angell’s latest nature photography, sometimes combined with poetry to aid quiet reflection.  Perhaps each photo of the week can be used…

  • Photo of the Week

    Photo Of The Week (The Last Month!)

    Looking for an inspiring photo of the week? Look no further! Visit Mantimoon and have a look at Lottie Angell’s latest nature photography, sometimes combined with poetry to aid quiet reflection.  Perhaps each photo of the week can be used…

  • Haiku of the Week

    Haiku of the Week (The Last Month!)

    Mantimoon’s Haiku of the Week offers time for self reflection, taking inspiration from everyday life to capture a thought, a fleeting moment or the flicker of a memory.  This particular Haiku was inspired by a snippet of a programme I…

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