
New Monthly Feature: My Eco Journey

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Last year I wrote an article for The Hamblin Centre entitled ‘Nature Writing, A Writer’s Responsibility and an Introduction to Erasure Poetry’. If you haven’t read the article and would like to, I’ve popped the link below…


This article followed my attendance at The British Council’s three day Nature Writing Seminar in June 2018. Each talk opened my eyes to the responsibilities we have to the natural world and the kind of changes we need to make in order to sustain and save the planet. Since writing the article I have been on an eco journey that has aimed to reduce my carbon footprint and make more environmentally aware choices such as: eco-bricking non biodegradable plastic, reducing my plastic consumption, eating sustainable food/reducing meat consumption and re-wilding the garden.etc.

I’ve decided to write a new, regular monthly post about this journey to let you know about the changes I’m making and offer tips/advice on things I’ve learnt that I hope you will find helpful on your own eco adventures! 

Sometimes this feature will consist of an article, an eco poem or a field trip with photographs. 

The aim is not to patronise or make anyone feel bad if they’re struggling or haven’t thought about making these kinds of lifestyle changes, but to offer practical solutions and thought provoking ideas that hopefully will raise awareness and increase feelings of connection with the natural world.

As always, please feel free to leave comments and let me know about your own eco journey whether you’re far along or at the very beginning. 

My first post will be dedicated to eco-bricking and will go live this week so watch this space folks…

L x

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